Yakuza Serie am Ende?

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      Yakuza Serie am Ende?

      Eventuell kein Yakuza 5 und HD Collection im Westen?

      Aaron Webber recently talked a little bit about the possibility of “Yakuza 5” and “Yakuza HD Collection” coming out in Europe and North America. When multiple fans asked about the western localization of both titles in the comments section of the [lexicon]Playstation[/lexicon] Blog on Jan. 29, the associate brand manager for Sega of America revealed that he currently does not have any news. However, he also suggested that fans “help spread the word” on the “Yakuza” series by telling others to purchase the two most recent western releases, “Yakuza 4” and “Yakuza: Dead Souls.”

      I worked on Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, and Yakuza: Dead Souls here at SEGA of America, so I hear you on it feeling a little strange to not have one releasing this March. Right now the best thing that can be done is to help spread the word on the series – tell your friends or others you think might enjoy them, and have them grab a copy of Y4 or Dead Souls.

      No news of any announcements, but thanks in advance to yourself (and all the Yakuza fans) who are still pushing hard to support the series here. It’s great to see that dedication.

      Quelle: ‘Yakuza 5’ and ‘Yakuza HD Collection’ western localization discussed by Sega - National Video Game News | Examiner.com

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