SH2 Dialoge

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      Observation Deck
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      James: Mary... Could you really be in this town?

      Mary: In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised you’d take me there again someday, but you never did. Well I’m alone there now... in our ‘special place’...
      Waiting for you...

      James: I got a letter.
      The name on the envelope said ‘Mary.’
      My wife’s name...
      It’s ridiculous, couldn’t possibly be true...
      That’s what I keep telling myself...
      A dead person can’t write a letter.
      Mary died of that damn disease three years ago.
      So then why am I looking for her?
      Our ‘special place’...
      What could she mean?
      This whole town was our special place.
      Does she mean the park on the lake?
      We spent the whole day there.
      Just the two of us, staring at the water.
      Could Mary really be there?
      Is she really alive... waiting for me?

      - - - - - - - - -
      Meeting Angela
      - - - - - - - - -

      James: Excuse me, I...

      Girl: I, I’m sorry...I, I... I was just....

      James: No, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m kind of lost.

      Girl: Lost?

      James: Yeah, I’m looking for Silent Hill. Is this the right way?

      Girl: Um yeah.... It’s hard to see with this fog, but there’s only the one road. You can’t miss it.

      James: Thanks.

      Girl: But...

      James: Yes...?

      Girl: I think you’d better stay away. This uh... this town... there’s something... “wrong” with it. It’s kind of hard to explain, but...

      James: Is it dangerous?

      Girl: Maybe... And it’s not just the fog either...It’s....

      James: Okay I got it. I’ll be careful.

      Girl: I’m not lying.

      James: No, I believe you. It’s just...I guess I really don’t care if it’s dangerous or not. I’m going to town either way.

      Girl: But why?

      James: I’m looking for... someone.

      Girl: Who, who, who is it?

      James: Someone... very important to me. I’d do anything if I could be with her again.

      Girl: Me too. I’m looking for my mama... I mean my mother. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her. I thought my father and brother were here, but I can’t find them either... I’m sorry... It’s not your problem.

      James: No, I... I hope you find them.

      Girl: Yeah, you too.

      +If you go back and talk to the girl a second time the following dialogue
      takes place+

      Girl: Aren’t you looking for someone?

      James: That’s right...

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      The First Enemy
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Are these marks... blood!?


      James: That shadow just now...


      James: Is it dead? What the hell is it? It’s not human...


      James: Oh yeah. ...This thing broken?

      Voice: Ja......I’m....e. Come to .......s..............ting you k........ Jam......

      James: What the ...? I’d better take it anyway. I might need it.

      - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: There’s a key on the ground on the other side of the bars. If I stretch my arm out, I just might be able to reach it.

      James: Ow!!

      Little girl: Ha-ha!

      James: Hey wait!

      James: Damn it!

      - - - - - - - - - - -
      Corpse on room 208
      - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: What was that!? Some kind of noise north of here....

      James: Oh my God.... Who could’ve...

      - - - - - - - - - - -
      Meeting Eddie
      - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: What the...? Who could have done this...

      Man: It wasn’t me! I didn’t do it!

      James: Do what?

      Man: I didn’t do anything. I, I swear! He was like this when I got here...

      James: My uh, my name’s James. James Sunderland.

      Man: Ummm... Eddie.

      James: Eddie, who’s that dead guy in the kitchen?

      Eddie: I didn’t do it. I swear I didn’t kill anybody.

      James: You’re not friends with that red, pyramid thing, are you?

      Eddie: Red pyramid thing? I don’t know what yer talkin’ about. Honest. But I did see some weird-lookin’ monsters. They scared the hell outta me, so I ran in here...

      James: Well, I guess this place isn’t too safe either. What happened here anyway?

      Eddie: Uh I, I told ya I don’t know. I’m not even from this town. I just, I just...

      James: You too, huh. Something just brought you here, right?

      Eddie: Umm... yeah. You could say that...

      James: Well whatever it is... I think you better get out of here soon.

      Eddie: Yeah yer right. What about you?

      James: I’ll leave as soon as I’m done here. Eddie... be careful.

      Eddie: James, I... I... um... You be careful too.

      +If you go back to the bathroom to talk to Eddie a second time the following
      dialogue takes place+

      James: Eddie, are you okay?

      Eddie: Yeah, I guess...

      - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Angela on room 106
      - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Girl: Oh... it’s you.

      James: Yeah... I’m James

      Girl: Angela...

      James: Angela... okay. I don’t know what you’re planning... But there’s always another way.

      Angela: Really? But... You’re the same as me. It’s easier just to run. Besides, it’s what we deserve.

      James: No... I’m not like you.

      Angela: Are you afraid? I, I’m sorry.

      James: It’s okay... Did you find your mother?
      Angela: Not yet... She’s not anywhere.

      James: Did she live in this apartment building?

      Angela: I don’t know...

      James: So all you know is she lived in this town?

      Angela: What did you say? How do you know that?

      James: Well... I just figured, cause this is where you’re looking for her. How else would I know?

      Angela: Yeah...

      James: Am I right?

      Angela: I’m so tired...

      James: So why did you come to this town anyway?

      Angela: ...I, I’m sorry. Did you find... the person you’re looking for?

      James: Not yet.

      James: Her name’s Mary. She’s my wife...

      Angela: I’m sorry.

      James: It’s okay. Anyway, she’s dead. I don’t know why I think she’s here.

      Angela: ...She’s dead?

      James: Don’t worry, I’m not crazy. Least, I don’t think so...

      Angela: I’ve gotta find my mama...

      James: Should I go with you? This town’s dangerous. Now I know what you meant back there in the cemetery.

      Angela: I’ll be okay by myself. Besides, I’d just slow you down.

      James: What about that?

      Angela: Will you hold it for me?

      James: Sure. No problem.

      Angela: If I kept it.... I’m not sure what I might do.

      Angela: No!! I’m sorry...I’ve been bad... Please don’t...
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Laura Again
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: It was you, wasn’t it? You’re the one who stepped on my hand.

      Little girl: I don’t know... Maybe I did...

      James: What’s a little girl like you doing here anyway?

      Little girl: Huh? Are you blind or something?

      James: What’s that letter?

      Little girl: None of your business.

      Little girl: You didn’t love Mary anyway!

      James: Wait! How do you know Mary’s name!

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Are you there, Mary?
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: So this is that park... Mary....Are you here?

      - - - - - - - - - - -
      Meeting Maria
      - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Mary?

      James: No... you’re not.

      Woman: Do I look like your girlfriend?

      James: No.... my late wife. I can’t believe it... You could be her twin. Your face, your voice... Just your hair and clothes are different.

      Woman: My name... is Maria. I don’t look like a ghost. Do I? See? Feel how warm I am.

      James: You’re really not Mary!

      Maria: I told you... I’m Maria.

      James: Sorry, I was confused.

      Maria: Where are you going?

      James: I’m looking for Mary. Have you seen her?

      Maria: Didn’t you say she died?

      James: Oh yeah... three years ago. But I got a letter from her. She said she was waiting in our ‘special place’.

      Maria: And that’s here? Anyway, I haven’t seen her. Is this your only ‘special place’?

      James: Well, there’s the hotel, too, I guess. The one on the lake... I wonder if it’s still there.

      Maria: The Lakeview Hotel? Yeah, it’s still there. So, the hotel was your ‘special place’, huh? I’ll bet it was.

      Maria: Don’t get so mad. I was just joking. Anyway, it’s not that way. It’s this way.

      James: You’re coming with me?

      Maria: You were gonna just leave me here?

      James: No but...

      Maria: With all these monsters around?

      James: No, I just...

      Maria: I’m all alone here. Everyone else is gone... I look like Mary, don’t I? You loved her, right? Or maybe you hated her...

      James: Don’t be ridiculous.

      Maria: So it’s okay?

      James: Yeah, fine.

      - - - - - - - - - - - -
      On Pete's Bowl'o Hama...
      - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Maria: I’ll wait here. I hate bowling.

      James: I didn’t come here to play, you know.

      Maria: Hurry back, okay.

      Little Girl: So what’d you do? Robbery, murder?

      Eddie: Nah, nothing like that.

      Little Girl: Hah! You’re just a gutless fatso!

      Eddie: Whadda you have to say that for?

      Little Girl: I thought you said the cops were after you.

      Eddie: No, I just ran ‘cause I was scared. I don’t know what the cops are doing.

      Laura: But if you did something bad, why don’t you just say you were sorry? Well... I guess I run away a lots too.

      Eddie: It’s no good. They wouldn’t listen. Nobody will ever forgive me.

      Eddie: Did ya find the lady you’re looking for... What’s her name... Mary?

      James: Eddie?

      Eddie: Oh... umm, yer...

      James: James. We met in the apartment building.

      Eddie: Yeah, I remember, but...

      James: Are you alone here, Eddie?

      Eddie: Uh, no...

      Little Girl: Bye-bye!

      James: Wait! Come back! Eddie! Let’s go after her!

      Eddie: Huh? Laura? But why...?

      James: Laura? Is that her name?

      Eddie: That’s what she said.

      James: This town is full of monsters! How can you sit there and eat pizza!?

      Eddie: She said she was fine by herself... She said a fatso like me would just slow her down.

      James: Forget you...

      +The following dialogue takes place if James goes back and talks to Eddie a
      second time+

      James: Who is that girl anyhow?

      Eddie: I don’t know. All I know is her name. I swear.


      James: Did a little girl run out of here?

      Maria: Yeah, she was too fast for me! Aren’t you gonna go after her?

      +The following dialogue takes place if James tries to leave in a different
      direction than the one Maria just came walking from.+

      Maria: Where are you going? This isn’t the way that little girl went.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Entering heaven's night
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Maria: She went through there.

      James: Is there any other way?

      Maria: Yeah, there is.

      Maria: Right through there.

      James: It’s no good. It’s locked.

      - - - - - - - - - -
      Over there!
      - - - - - - - - - -

      Maria: Over there!

      +The following text is shown if James continues down the street past the
      hospital Laura entered.+

      James: I have to go after Laura. I can’t just leave her all alone. Also...maybe she’ll be able to tell me something about Mary.

      - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Ow!!

      Maria: What’s wrong?

      James: I just pricked myself...

      Maria: Are you okay?

      James: Yeah.

      - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Maria's Tired
      - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Maria: James, wait a minute.

      Maria: I’m kinda tired....

      Maria: It’s just a hangover.

      James: You should rest.

      Maria: Mmm. So comfy...

      James: I’m going to go look for her... for Laura. I’ll be back as soon as I can.

      +If you talk to Maria a second time the following dialogue takes place.+

      Maria: James, I wanna ask you something. What if... what if you can’t find Mary? What will you do?

      James: I haven’t thought about that.

      +If you leave and come back to talk to Maria a third time the following
      dialogue takes place.+

      Maria: I’ll be okay soon. Did you find Laura?

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Finally finding Laura
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Laura?

      Laura: Huh? You know my name?

      James: Eddie told me.

      Laura: That big, fat blabbermouth.

      James: How do you know about Mary?

      Laura: What’s the big deal?

      James: Why can’t you just tell me?

      Laura: You gonna yell at me if I don’t?

      James: No... I won’t.

      Laura: I was friends with Mary... We met at the hospital. It was last year...

      James: You liar!! Laura, I...

      Laura: Fine! Don’t believe me!

      James: But last year, Mary was already... I’m sorry Laura. Anyway, let’s go.

      James: We can talk about this later. This is no place for a kid. There are all sorts of strange things around here... I can’t believe you haven’t even gotten a scratch on you.

      Laura: Why should I?


      Laura: Wait! Wait! There’s something I gotta get!

      James: Later, okay?

      Laura: But it’s really important!

      James: What is it?

      Laura: A letter from Mary.

      James: Huh?

      Laura: I wanna go get it? Is that okay?

      James: Yes, yes.

      Laura: C’mon hurry up!

      James: Is it in there?

      Laura: Yeah. In the back.

      James: What’re you doing, Laura?

      Laura: It’s further back. In the desk.

      James: Laura, what are you doing!?

      Laura: Ha-ha! I tricked you!

      James: Open the door, Laura.

      Laura: Why should I? I’m a liar, right? Want me to open it? Huh? huh? Do ya?

      Laura: What’s the magic word?

      James: Laura!

      Laura: Okay. I guess I won’t open it... I think I’ll just leave you like this...

      James: You snotty little brat! Open up!

      Laura: Why you, you...

      James: Laura?

      Laura: You fartface!

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Maria on the basement
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Maria: James!

      James: Mary! Oh Maria it’s you... I thought you were.... Sorry...

      James: Anyway, I’m glad you’re alive...

      Maria: “Anyway”!? What do you mean “Anyway”!? You don’t sound very happy to see me. I was almost killed back there! Why didn’t you try to save me? All you care about is that dead wife of yours! I’ve never been so scared in my whole life! You couldn’t care less about me, could you?

      James: No, I just...

      Maria: Then stay with me! Don’t ever leave me alone! You’re supposed to take care of me!

      Maria: So what about Laura? Did you find her?

      James: Yeah, but she ran away.

      Maria: We’ve got to find her!

      James: You really seem to care about her. Do you know her?

      Maria: I never met her before. I just feel sorry for her. She’s all alone... And for some reason... I feel like it’s up to me to protect her.

      - - - - - - - - - -
      Welcome to another exciting edition of trick or treat!
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      Announcer: Hi there everybody, thanks for tuning in. Welcome to another exciting edition of “Trick or Treat”! Here you either answer the questions correctly and win a great prize, or fail to answer correctly and receive the punishment. It all depends on you. And our lucky, or should I say unlucky, challenger today is James! James Sunderland! Are you ready to play “Trick or Treat”? Okay, here’s your first question. Merry-Go-Round, haunted house, roller coaster, ferris wheel and tea cups. Silent Hill is hometo a thrilling amusement park that both children and adults love. The question is: What is the name of this amusement park?
      One, Fantasy Land. Two, Silent Hill Amusement Park. Three, Lakeside Amusement Park. Okay, quickly on to question number two. Silent Hill witnessed a gruesome murder a few years back. A brother and sister were playing in the road when they were attacked and chopped into pieces with an axe. Torn flesh, smashed bones, splattered blood, and finally... What a terrible tragedy. What a gruesome end to such innocent lives. What was the name of the murderer who committed this vile act? One, Walter Sullivan Two, Scott Fairbanks, Three, Eric Gein. Now for our third and final question. South of the lake is a deserted old neighborhood called South Vale. From there to Paleville, the central resort area northwest of the lake, there’s only one road you can take. Just one road, no more. The third and final question is: What is the name of that road? One, Bachman Road, Two, Rendell Street, Three, Nathan Avenue. Well, that’s the last of our questions. Have you got it all figured out? When you know the answers, head to the storeroom on the 3rd floor to collect your prizes! But be careful. If you’re wrong.... Well then everybody, thanks for tuning in. See you again sometime. Bye bye!

      Maria: What was that?

      - - - - - - - - - - - -
      The Lead Ring
      - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: There’s something that looks like a refrigerator.

      Maria: You can’t open it?

      James: Yeah... Maria, gimme a hand here.

      Maria: Come on... You’re supposed to be the big man around here... How’s a little girl like me supposed to help?

      Maria: What’s this? Not very cute, is it?

      Maria: Here James, you take it.

      James: Thanks.

      - - - - - - - - - - -
      The elevator fugue
      - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Open up!

      James: No!!

      Maria: James!

      James: Maria!

      - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Once again, I couldn't do nothing
      - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Maria’s dead. I couldn’t protect her. Once again, I couldn’t do anything to help. Laura has run off somewhere. Mary... What... What should I do? Are you... really waiting somewhere for me? Or is this your way of taking... I’m going to find Mary..... It’s the only thing I have left to hope for.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Eddie on the prison
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Eddie: Killin’ a person ain’t no big deal. Just put the gun to their head...pow!

      James: You... you killed him?

      Eddie: B,but... it wasn’t my fault. He, he made me do it!

      James: Calm down, Eddie. Tell me what happened.

      Eddie: That guy... he, he had it coming! I didn’t do anything. He just came after me! Besides he was making fun of me with his eyes! Like that other one...

      James: Just for that you killed him?

      Eddie: Whadda ya mean ‘Just for that’!

      James: Eddie, you can’t just kill someone cause of the way they looked at you...

      Eddie: Oh yeah! Why not? Til now I always let people walk all over me. Just like that stupid dog. He had it coming too!!

      James: Eddie!!

      Eddie: He he. I was just jokin’, James. He was dead when I got here. Honest. Anyway, I gotta run.

      James: You’re going out there alone?

      Eddie: Yeah.

      James: Eddie...

      - - - - - - - - - - -
      James finds Maria
      - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: You’re alive! Maria...! I thought that thing killed you...! Are you hurt bad?

      Maria: Not at all, silly.

      James: ...Maria? That thing... it stabbed you. There was blood everywhere.

      Maria: Stabbed me? What do you mean?

      James: It chased us to the elevator. And then...
      Maria: James, what are you talking about?

      James: Just before! Don’t you remember?

      Maria: James honey... Did something happen to you? After we got separated in that long hallway? Are you confusing me with someone else? You were always so forgetful... Remember that time in the hotel...

      James: Maria...?

      Maria: You said you took everything... But you forgot that videotape we made. I wonder if it’s still there...

      James: How do you know about that! Aren’t you Maria?

      Maria: I’m not your Mary.

      James: So you’re Maria?

      Maria: I am... if you want me to be.

      James: All I want from you is an answer!

      Maria: It doesn’t matter who I am... I’m here for you, James.

      Maria: See? I’m real. Don’t you want to touch me?

      James: I don’t know....

      Maria: Come and get me. I can’t do anything through these bars.

      James: Okay... stay right there. I’ll be there soon.

      - - - - - - - - - -
      - - - - - - - - - -

      Angela: No daddy! Please! Don’t!

      James: Are you okay?

      James: Angela! Relax!

      Angela: Don’t order me around!

      James: I’m not trying to order you.

      Angela: So what do you want then? Oh I see, you’re trying to be nice to me, right? I know what you’re up to. It’s always the same. You’re only after one thing.

      James: No, that’s not true at all.
      Angela: You don’t have to lie. Go ahead and say it. Or you could just force me. Beat me up like he always did.

      Angela: You only care about yourself anyway.

      Angela: You disgusting pig.

      James: Angela...

      Angela: Don’t touch me!! You make me sick!

      Angela: You said your wife Mary was dead, right?

      James: Yes, she was ill...

      Angela: Liar! I know about you.... You didn’t want her around anymore. You probably found someone else.

      James: That’s ridiculous... I never...

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Maria or Mary?
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Maria?

      James: Maria...? Maria, no... What happened to you? Why... why...

      James: Mary...

      +If you try to enter the room again once James has exited it the following
      text is shown.+

      James: There’s nothing else for me in this room...

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Eddie is a murderer!
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Eddie! What are you doing?

      Eddie: What does it look like? He always busted my balls. “You fat disgusting piece of shit! You make me sick!” “Fat-ass, yer nothin’ but a waste of skin.” “You’re so ugly, even you’re mama don’t love you!” Well maybe he was right. Maybe I am nothing but a fat, disgusting piece of shit. But ya know what? It doesn’t matter if your smart, dumb, ugly,’s all the same once yer dead. And a corpse can’t laugh. From now on, if anyone makes fun of me... I’ll kill em. Just like that.

      James: Eddie, have you gone nuts?

      Eddie: I knew it. You too. You’re just like ‘em, James.
      James: Hey I didn’t mean anything.

      Eddie: Don’t bother. I understand. You’ve been laughin’ at me all along, haven’t you? Ever since we first met. I’ll kill you, James.


      Eddie: Do you know what it does to you, James? When you’re hated, picked on, spit on, just cause of the way you look. After you’ve been laughed at your whole friggin’ life. That’s why I ran away after I killed the dog. Ran away like a scared little girl. Yeah, I killed that dog. It was fun. It tried to chew its own guts out! Finally died all curled up in a ball. Then “He” came after me, I shot him too. Right in the leg. He cried more than the dog!

      Eddie: He’s gonna have a hard time playing football on what’s left of that knee.

      James: You think it’s okay to kill people! You need help, Eddie!

      Eddie: Don’t get all holy on me, James. This town called you, too. You and me are the same. We’re not like other people. Don’t you know that?!

      Eddie: Let’s party!


      James: Eddie?

      James: Eddie! I... I killed a... a human being... A human being... Mary... Did you really die three years ago...?

      - - - - - - -
      The Dock
      - - - - - - -

      James: This place hasn’t changed at all in three years...

      - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      A Letter to Laura
      - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Laura: Did I scare you?

      James: Yeah, you did.

      Laura: You’re here to find Mary, aren’t you, James? Well... have you?

      James: No... is that why you’re here, too?

      Laura: She’s here, isn’t she? If you know where she is, tell me! I’m tired of walking.

      James: I wish I knew...

      Laura: But she said it in her letter...

      James: What letter!?

      Laura: ...Wanna read it?

      Laura: But don’t tell Rachel, okay?

      James: Who’s Rachel?

      Laura: She was our nurse. I took it from her locker.

      James: Laura... How old are you?

      Laura: Um, I turned eight last week.

      James: So Mary couldn’t have died... three years ago... Could she really be here? Is this the “quiet, beautiful place” she was talking about?

      Laura: Me and Mary talked a lot about Silent Hill. She even showed me all her pictures. She really wanted to come back. That’s why I’m here. Maybe you’ll get it if you see the other letter... The one Mary... huh?

      Laura: I must have dropped it!

      James: Laura...

      Laura: I gotta find it!

      James: Laura!

      - - - - - - -
      James finds out the true
      - - - - - - -

      Mary: Are you taping again? C’mon...

      Mary: I don’t know why, but I just love it here. It’s so peaceful. You know what I heard? This whole area used to be a sacred place. I think I can see why. It’s too bad we have to leave... Please promise you’ll take me again, James.


      Laura: So there you are, James. Did you get the letter? Did you find Mary? If not, let’s get going already.

      Laura: Okay?

      James: Mary’s gone. She’s dead.

      Laura: Liar! That’s a lie!

      James: No, that’s not true...

      Laura: She... she died ‘cause she was sick?

      James: No. I killed her.

      Laura: You killer! Why’d you do it?! I hate you!! I want her back! Give her back to me!

      Laura: I knew it! You didn’t care about her! I hate you, James!

      Laura: I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! She was always waiting for you... why... why...

      James: I’m sorry...

      James: They Mary you know isn’t here.

      James: Laura, I’m sorry.

      Mary: James. Where are you? I’m waiting. I’m waiting for you. Please come to me.

      Mary: Do you hate me? Is that why you won’t come?

      James: That voice...

      Mary: Please hurry. Are you lost? I’m near. I’m waiting nearby, James. Please. I want to see you, James. Can’t you hear me? James... Please, James... James... James... James...

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Angela's inner hell
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Angela: Mama! Mama, I was looking for you.

      Angela: Now you’re the only one left. Maybe then.... Maybe then I can rest.

      Angela: Mama, why are you running away?

      Angela: You’re not Mama. It’s you... I, I’m sorry...

      James: Angela, no....

      Angela: Thank you for saving me... But I wish you hadn’t. Even Mama said it... I deserved what happened...

      James: No Angela, that’s wrong!

      Angela: No. Don’t pity me. I’m not worth it....

      Angela: Or maybe you think you can save me? Will you love me? Take care of me? Heal all my pain?

      Angela: That’s what I thought. James. Give me back that knife.

      James: No... I, I won’t.

      Angela: Saving it for yourself?

      James: Me? No... I’d never kill myself.... It’s hot as hell in here.

      Angela: You see it too? For me, it’s always like this.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Final Fight with PHs
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Maria: James!

      James: Stop! Leave her alone! Leave us both the hell alone!

      James: I was weak. That’s why I needed you.... Needed someone to punish me for my sins.... But that’s all over now.... I know the truth.... Now it’s time to end this.

      - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Audio Tape
      - - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Mary’s going to die...? You... you must be joking...

      Doctor: I’m very sorry.

      James: But you’re a doctor. It’s your job to heal people! How can you just let her die!

      Doctor: Please calm down. As her doctor, I promise I’ll do what I can. But... there’s still no effective treatment for her condition.

      James: How long does she have?

      Doctor: I’m afraid I’m not sure. 3 years at most.... Perhaps 6 months... It’s impossible to say with certainty.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Hallway Dialogue
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Mary: What do you want, James?

      James: I, uh I brought you some flowers...

      Mary: Flowers? I don’t want any damn flowers. Just go home already.

      James: Mary, what are you saying?

      Mary: Look! I’m disgusting! I don’t deserve flowers. Between the disease and the drugs, I look like a monster. Well what are you looking at? Get the hell out of here. Leave me alone already! I’m no use to anyone. I’ll be dead soon anyway. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow.... It’s be easier if they’d just kill me. But I guess the hospital is making a nice profit off me, they want to keep me alive.... Are you still here? I told you to go! Are you deaf?! Don’t come back!

      Mary: James.... Wait.... Please don’t go.... Stay with me. Don’t leave me alone. I didn’t mean what I said. Please James.... Tell me I’ll be okay. Tell me I’m not going to die. Help me...
      - - - - - - - - - -
      - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Mary!

      Maria: When will you ever stop making that mistake! Mary’s dead. You killed her.

      James: Maria...? It’s you... But I don’t need you anymore.

      Maria: What? You must be joking! But I can be yours... I’ll be here for you forever.

      Maria: And I’ll never yell at you or make you feel bad. That’s what you wanted. I’m different than Mary... How can you throw me away?

      James: I understand now. It’s time to end this nightmare.

      Maria: No! I won’t let you! You deserve to die too, James.


      James: Mary..

      Mary: James...

      James: Forgive me...

      Mary: I told you that I wanted to die, James. I wanted the pain to end.

      James: That’s why I did it, honey. I just couldn’t watch you suffer. No! That’s not true... You also said that you didn’t want to die. The truth is I hated you. I wanted you out of the way. I wanted my life back....

      Mary: James... if that were true, then why do you look so sad?

      James: Mary...

      Mary: James... Please... please do something for me.

      Mary: Go on with your life.

      - - - - - - - - - - -
      In Water
      - - - - - - - - - - -

      James: Mary...?

      Maria: Wrong again. Mary’s dead. You killed her.

      James: Maria. Maria... I’m done with you.

      Maria: What do you mean? But I can be yours... I’ll be here for you forever. And I’ll never yell at you or make you feel bad.

      Maria: That’s what you wanted.

      James: Now I understand. The problem is... you’re not Mary.

      Maria: No James. I won’t let you! I’ll never let you have your Mary back!


      James: Mary...

      Mary: James...

      James: Forgive me....

      Maria: I told you I wanted to die, James. I wanted the pain to end.

      James: That’s why I did it honey. I just couldn’t watch you suffer.

      James: No, that’s not the whole truth. You also said that you didn’t want to die. The truth is... part of me hated you. For taking away my life...

      Mary: You killed me and you’re suffering for it. It’s enough, James.

      James: Mary...

      Mary: James...

      James: Now I understand. The real reason I came to this town.

      James: I wonder what was I afraid of? Without you, Mary, I’ve got nothing....

      James: Now we can be together....

      - - - - - - - - - -
      - - - - - - - - - -

      Mary: James, I’ve been waiting.

      James: Mary... I’m sorry it took so long.

      Mary: Didn’t you want to see me?

      James: Yes, I wanted to see you. Even an illusion of you.... That’s why I came here.

      Mary: That’s not true, is it? You killed me...

      James: I couldn’t watch you suffer.

      Mary: Don’t make excuses, James. I know I was a burden on you. You must have hated me. That’s why you got rid of me.

      James: It’s true... I may have had some of those feelings. It was a long three years... I was... tired.

      Mary: And that’s why you needed this “Maria” person?

      Mary: James, do you really think I could ever forgive you for what you did?


      Maria: You killed Mary again?

      James: That wasn’t Mary. Mary’s gone.

      James: That was just something I... Maria? Maria.

      Maria: What, James?

      James: I want you... I want you with me...

      Maria: Are you sure?

      James: C’mon. Let’s get out of here.

      Maria: What about Mary?

      James: It’s okay, I have you.


      James: You’d better do something about that cough...

      - - - - - - - -
      The Letter
      - - - - - - - -


      In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised you’d take me there again someday. But you never did. Well I’m alone there now... In our “special place” Waiting for you... Waiting for you to come to see me. But you never do. And so I wait, wrapped in my
      cocoon of pain and loneliness. I know I’ve done a terrible thing to you. Something you’ll
      never forgive me for. I wish I could change that, but I can’t. I feel so pathetic and ugly
      laying here, waiting for you... Every day I stare up at the cracks in the ceiling and all I can think about is how unfair it all is... The doctor came today. He told me I could go home for a short stay. It’s not that I’m getting better. It’s just that this may be my last chance... I think you know what I mean... Even so, I’m glad to be coming home. I’ve missed you terribly. But I’m afraid James. I’m afraid you don’t really want me to come home. Whenever you come see me, I can tell how hard it is on you... I don’t know if you hate me or pity me... Or maybe I just disgust you.... I’m sorry about that. When I first learned that I was going to die, I just didn’t want to accept it. I was so angry all the time and I struck out at everyone I loved most.
      Especially you, James. That’s why I understand if you do hate me. But I want you to know this, James. I’ll always love you. Even though our life together had to end like this, I still wouldn’t trade it for the world. We had some wonderful years together. Well this letter has gone on too long so I’ll say goodbye. I told the nurse to give this to you after I’m gone.
      That means that as you read this, I’m already dead. I can’t tell you to remember me, but I can’t bear for you to forget me. These last few years since I became ill...I’m so sorry for
      what I did to you, did to us... You’ve given me so much and I haven’t bee able to return a single thing. That’s why I want you to live for yourself now. Do what’s best for you, James.
      James... You made me happy.

      - - - - - - - - - - -
      - - - - - - - - - - -

      Maria: James.

      James: Maria. I’m finished with you.

      Maria: What!? But I’m what you wanted! Mary’s dead. Don’t you understand? She’s not coming back! But I can be yours... I’ll be here for you forever. I’ll never hurt you like she did! So why don’t you want me!

      James: Because your not Mary. Without Mary, I just can’t go on.

      Maria: James. C’mon James. You must be joking.


      James: Mary. You look so peaceful. Forgive me for waking you. But without you, I just can’t go on. I can’t live without you, Mary. This town, Silent Hill.... The Old Gods haven’t left this place.... And they still grant power to those who venerate them.... Power to defy even death....

      James: Ah... Mary.

      - - - - - - - - -
      - - - - - - - - -

      James: So it was you all along?
      Ich muss zugeben, dass ich das nicht selbst geschrieben, sondern nur nachgelesen habe ^^''
      Ich habe den Text (der eigentlich noch länger ist, mit Regieanweisungen... etc) dann auf die Dialoge gekürzt und für das Forum formatiert.

      Ich dachte mir, dass man mit dem Script im Forum besser diskutieren kann, weil man dann eventuell Zitate sofort findet :)

      Ich hoffe, dass ich dich damit jetzt nicht maßlos enttäuscht habe, tacitglory :D
      für mich bricht eine welt zusammen !!

      :D :D

      Nein keine sorge.
      Immerhin hast du es überhaupt gemacht, und zumindest dafür : danke
      Leben und Tod,

      Blut und Tränen,

      sind Dinge die es immer geben wird

      Sollte solch ein Link verboten sein, bitte soffort posten.
      Ich nehme ihn dann wieder raus

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